Chill's Cover Illustration For Pique Magazine
"For under 35s how does a community of strangers learn to call Whistler Home?
Three years ago complaints of rowdiness to municipal council were prolific, with police making as many as 15 arrests on weekend nights for drunkenness. But a shift in how Whistler cares for its mobile youth population has resulted in a corresponding shift in behaviour from the resort’s largest demographic...
For those who need a break from bar hopping there is LUNA, Late and Unique Night time Alternatives. Whistler Community Services started the program two years ago in reaction to complaints to Whistler council about evening rowdiness and violence in the village...
LUNA co-ordinator Kiran Pal brings in pro snowboarders to give tips and advice, organizes pool parties and drum sessions, but also arranges skill-building sessions like event co-ordination training. In summer LUNA’s Thursday night movie showings at Lost Lake attract up to 500 people."
by Vivian Moreau