Ya gotta love it, this is the second new client this month to want Chill's cut paper style !
"A few days before Ironman Canada 2005, my Dad and I were asked to be co-captains for the wet suit stripping. Neither of us had ever been strippers before but we’d been stripped plenty of times so we figured, what the heck, we’re up to the task. On race morning we watched the swim start then made our way over to transition where we met up with the other 50 or so people who had volunteered as strippers. We gave them some instructions and awaited the first athlete, confident that we all knew what we were doing. Initially,
there were a few bugs to work out as we all “warmed up” with stripping the pros and the fast age group swimmers. Some of us weren’t as fast or efficient with those first athletes but I guess that’s what they get for being so freakin’ fast. (Note to self – never, ever break one hour in the swim because the strippers aren’t in the groove yet.).”
-Cheryl Lowery