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Months of Grace

Sabbaticals in business started catching on in the 1990’s, and were often used as companies tried to reduce their workforce. But now, with labour shortages starting to affect many employers, sabbaticals may be the new incentive for finding and keeping workers

Getting a sabbatical may be as simple as asking for the time. It helps to have a good relationship with your manager, as most credit unions promise only a job on your return, but not necessarily the position you left. Some credit unions restrict the reasons for a sabbatical, but often there is wiggle room if you have good reasons for your request. Obviously, leaving things in good shape and staying in occasional contact will soften your landing.

Sabbaticals can be for anything from extended vacations to job-switching to education or volunteering. It can mean time with family, time alone or time with people who need your help. It does mean time away from the hum-drum, the routine, months of grace that can make a person feel blessed.

. by Laureen Griffin

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