Another Illustrator broke his collarbone and Chill stepped in for a late night Pique cover.
"Aboard the cruise ship, I wasn’t exactly in my element. Personal politics were packed away and left stashed under the bed in Pemberton for a week. For the purposes of happy families, I elected to ignore that cruise ships disgorge over 200,000 gallons of sewage and over 2 million gallons of greywater each week, not to mention hazardous waste or oily bilge water, into unregulated Canadian waters. Meanwhile Alaska, Washington and California enforce strict environmental regulations, threatening as one industry consultant said to make B.C. the toilet bowl of the cruise industry."
and later...a wonderful note from the author, Lisa Richardson:
Christy, Was stoked to pick up the Pique today and see your awesome cover. You really captured the sensibility there beautifully - I had this sense of something a bit tabloidy, and you totally nailed it with the horror/slash look. I love it! (Only wish I were half so glam as your writer/heroine...) I know you didn't even have the entire article... but kudos, girl. It's one of the best covers I've seen. (It makes my article look great. Even people who don't read it are going to think it was a good story!) Lisa